Grow. Inspire. Educate.
Double Talk Workshop was established to address a frustrating issue we’ve noticed during our time working with schools across the country: there is an overall lack of double reed students at all grade levels! There are many factors which contribute to this shortage: instrument challenges, lack of equipment, budgetary restrictions, lack of educator experience with teaching double reeds, etc…
Our clinic and website resources seek to address some of these challenges! We want to do our part as double reed specialists to give band directors the necessary tools to start oboists and bassoonists and set them up for success!
Double Talk Workshop for music educators emphasizes the “how-to” of teaching double reed fundamentals, strives to give band directors hands-on time playing the oboe and bassoon, and discusses important double reed resources necessary for student success. Additionally, this website includes many resources for educators to access in between workshops.
Contact us with general double reed questions or to schedule a Double Talk Workshop near you.
Oboe Clinician
“I am a musician, performer, and educator based in the Nashville, TN area. I chose the oboe in fifth grade after reading a children’s book describing all the instruments of the orchestra: The oboe ‘may remind you of faraway castles at sunset, autumn leaves, and the sadness of saying good-bye to someone you love.’ I had known beforehand that I wanted to choose a less-common instrument, but this evocative description captured my heart and imagination. I was lucky to start taking private lessons in seventh grade from a fantastic private studio teacher and started performing with a regional youth orchestra in ninth grade. I was enveloped in music from that point forward!
My approach to teaching focuses on establishing a strong understanding of fundamentals and transferrable skills. This approach speaks to my primary teaching goal: to foster strong, independent musicians who have powerful convictions about what they want to say musically and the necessary skills to do it. As the only oboist at my school for my entire HS career, I understand how hard it can be as the only player on an instrument. I hope this workshop will help empower educators to start more students on the oboe in the state and region!”
B.M. Baldwin Wallace Conservatory of Music, 2012
M.M. Indiana University, Jacobs School of Music, 2014
P.D. Indiana University, Jacobs School of Music, 2015
D.M. Indiana University, Jacobs School of Music, 2020
Bassoon Clinician
"I am also a musician, performer, and educator based in the Nashville area! I'm where I am today because I was lucky enough to have some awesome teachers at all stages of my music education. In addition to all of the fun activities that help young kids learn to love music, my elementary school music teacher, Mrs. Wilson, would also pull out her bassoon and play it for her students every year. When I finally got to middle school and got to join band, I knew exactly what I wanted to play!
In my teaching, I spend a lot of time working on fundamentals with my students. Most issues they encounter can be traced back to improper treatment of the air stream and support. Developing good habits in these areas frees the student to be able to devote their attention to musicality. One great aspect of the bassoon is the sheer volume of possible fingerings. This is helpful for problem solving in tricky passages, but it can lead to confusion with young players. This is especially caused by fingering charts for beginning bassoonists emphasizing the simplest fingerings over the ones that actually produce a good, in-tune sound. One of my goals with my young students is to teach them how to develop good habits that will empower them to make great music for years to come.
B.M. West Texas A&M University, 2013
M.M. Indiana University, Jacobs School of Music, 2015
D.M. Indiana University, Jacobs School of Music, 2020